About Us



We believe, all sources of joy, beauty, and inspiration of life are from our pure heart.

On mybeautyshare.com, you can find quality, affordable, and sustainable lifestyle products that are good for your body, mind, and soul to help build a balanced, healthy and joyful life.

Being the Exclusive Distributor of OSIA OSIA Handcrafted Luxury Herbal Soaps in Hong Kong and China, mybeautyshare.com aims at providing incredible and aromatic skincare and bathing solutions to customers to naturally nourish their skin.  


mybeautyshare.com 是生活網店,用心發掘優質、實惠、可持續的生活精品,與顧客共同創造身心靈和諧健康的生活。

OSIA OSIA 是本店獨家銷售美容護膚品牌,其皇牌精油手工芳療皂,揉合印度傳統醫學阿育吠陀製法 (Ayurveda) 及芳香療法 (Aromatherapy) ,採用 100% 純天然材料,包括冷壓初榨椰子油、頂級草本精油、花卉精華和蒸餾水等配方調製,具潔膚、潤膚和舒緩身心之效。